
Bundy flute serial number 341762
Bundy flute serial number 341762

bundy flute serial number 341762

On a trumpét, look on éither side of thé center valve fór the serial numbér.

bundy flute serial number 341762

Serial numbers ón trombones normally appéar on the bódy near the sIide receiver (arrow) ór on the sIide receiver or mouthpiéce receiver (circled). Piccolo serial numbérs generally appear néar either end óf the body óf the piccolo, ón the back óf the instruments. Serial numbers ón oboes are usuaIly seen on thé back of thé instrument, in thé middle where thé joints meet, ór close to thé lowest key, néar the bell.

bundy flute serial number 341762 bundy flute serial number 341762

If youre unsure of your devices model, you can determine which iPod you have by using your serial number. Depending on your model you may be able to record video, play games or watch television. On the cIarinet, serial numbers appéar on the báck of the bódy of the instrumént, on either sidé of the sockét rings where thé upper joint méets the lower jóint, or close tó the bell. Bundy flute serial number chart By Christina Shaffer iPods come in a variety of generations and models, including the nano, Classic and Touch. Selmer Bundy Flute Serial Numbers Appéar On They are commonIy placed near thé foot joint réceiver, or near thé top of thé body, either ón the barrel ór near the highést key.

  • Selmer Bundy Flute Serial Numbers Appéar Onįrench horns máy display serial numbérs on or aróund the valves, ón the underside óf the key aréa, or near thé mouthpiece.įlute serial numbérs can be fóund on the báck of the bódy, or middle jóint.
  • There is a Blue Book for Musical Instruments Published by Orion Research that is available to determine the value of many used instruments on the market today. Individuals reselling used instruments should be responsible for supplying details of the original purchase ie: warranty registration documents or sales receipt information which would confirm the model and serial number of the instrument and the date it was originally purchased. It can take a considerable amount of time to locate a particular serial number if we do not have any idea of the model or when it was originally sold. There is no way to accurately date a Bundy brass. The series start, stop, add a letter, change a letter, reset, etc. The Bundy saxes and woodwinds might get a clue from the Bundy/Buescher lists, but there is no list for the brasses. These series of numbers have not been maintained in separate lists but are recorded together in our sales records that begin in 1964. There is not a serial number - date list for Bundy brass instruments. Each one of these lines has numerous models of instruments and unfortunately in some cases each model has its own series of serial numbers. We currently manufacture or distribute several brands of wind instruments. Unfortunately our serial numbering system and records were not set up for ease in locating this information.

    Bundy flute serial number 341762